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Swamps and strategies – Snipe hunting in Portugal

Before we left Denmark, our Portuguese contact wrote that he was planning a hunt for snipes. Michael found a video on YouTube just to tune in on the challenge and said in a quiet voice: I think you are going to see me under pressure! Because in that video they claimed snipes to be the fastest gamebird in the world!

Partridge hunting in Portugal – Things you do to travel!

Our trip to Portugal began with an invitation in a chat on Instagram. Yup! Something we always will tell our kids NOT to do! Even Miguel,”the man my husband met on the internet”, admitted that he probably wouldn’t have gone to Denmark on the same conditions. But we lowered our expectations and if the hunting part would fail, the two of us would still be on a little getaway and most important; I would get to travel!

In need of a survival trip

For years Michael has wanted to go canoeing, so this little get away next to Gudenåen (the longsest stream of flowing water in Denmark) is actually last year’s anniversary gift from me to him.

Buddies, boars and beers. Part 2

A birthdaypresent from Steen’s wife gave us three days of hunting in Slovakia with a mix of regular and driven hunts for wildboar and deer with locals… and a party!

Buddies, boars and beers. Part 1

My friendship with Steen goes approximately 25 years back, so the challenge was taken very seriously when his wife asked me to arrange a hunting trip as his birthday present.

Thoughts and comments from a hunterswife – Day 2/5

Monday, I left our two teenage kids to drive 15 hours with my husband to spend several days hunting, which is something I have paid so little attention to during the 2 decades we have been married.

Fallow deer doublé

Today, I received a very generous invitation from a new hunting friend, Anders, to go deer hunting. That is a little hard to say no to.

Having fun with Stalon W110

I have the honor of owning a Stalon W110 for my Sako M591 cal .308 and Sako Vixen Cal .222 and a Stalon RM for my CZ 455 rimfire. I have been shooting with it in four month and I am very impressed.

Hunting wild boar in Texas

I have been on a vacation with my family. We wanted to go to Redding, CA for two month and spend a lot of time with good friends and enjoy the incredible nature in Northern California. While we were there i went to Texas for a wild boar hunt.

Xpedition Xcentric 7

I have had this Xpedition Xcentric 7, in about two month and I like shooting it. I have a very bad shoulder and an operation didnt make it better. So I am very sensitiv for bows, with a stiff draw cycle and hard to hold. I am no expert, at draw cycles and all that, …

Xpedition Xcentric 7 Read More »

Management buck

Last night I was sneaking around after this roebuck in 1,5 hours and was so close to get him with the bow.


One of my favorite places to sit with my bow have been changed to a pile of trees and branches. After the latest storm there was a lot of trees knock over by the wind.  My best place turned from being a transit hallway for the animals to a totally silent area. (see video here: Trailcam)